Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Importance of Support Staff

Amazing school districts have amazing school teachers. That's a given. What our teachers do within the four walls of their classrooms each and every hour of each and every school day is of the utmost importance. You simply can't be a winning organization without winners in key roles.

However, another extremely important group of school employees, that often gets overlooked, is what we call support staff. These are our paras, secretaries, drivers, custodians, nurses, cooks, and all of the groups that often work "behind the scenes" but are so vitally important. York Public Schools is a winning team because of our support staff. We can't do what we do without them!

Our support staff doesn't always get the attention that administrators, coaches, and teachers get but that doesn't mean they aren't just as important. They often do the "little things" that get taken for granted by many. They often work with students that need it the most. They often deal with adults that are upset. They deal with tough driving conditions. They deal with large crowds and big messes. They deal with deadlines and to-do lists just like their certified counterparts.

My hat is off to all support staff employees. THANK YOU for being important in the development of our students. THANK YOU for being part of our TEAM. THANK YOU for your commitment to YPS. THANK YOU.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Lucas is absolutely "spot on" with this one. Any school board or building administrator or who thinks we could do without this group is dead in the water. Their worth is beyond measure to me as a building principal and I'd be lost without them! They ROCK!
