Monday, February 22, 2016

A Special Tribute to FFA

It's National FFA Week and I felt like my weekly blog should be dedicated to our FFA sponsors, supporters, and students and all they great things they do for our schools and communities!

I love FFA. I must admit I was never a member of FFA while in school down in Florida. I didn’t know much about it until I became a school administrator. My six years in Franklin, Nebraska opened my eyes to how important FFA can be to a school system and community. Seeing how involved and awesome the York FFA Chapter is over these past seven years has just reconfirmed my thoughts. FFA is a big, big deal.

FFA provides tremendous opportunities for leadership, exploration, and teamwork for its members. I’ve seen kids enter FFA as 9th graders that were insecure, unmotivated little kids and leave four years later as high achieving leaders with bright futures. I’ve seen kids that didn’t embrace the numerous fine arts or athletic opportunities their schools provide latch on to FFA and make it part of their school family. I’ve seen a young man that was in big-time trouble while in middle school get his act together due to his involvement with FFA.

I love how giving FFA is. You need something done in your community? Ask the FFA. I love how much pride the great FFA instructors take in their programs. I love that farm kids and city kids can be working on the same FFA project even though they have such different backgrounds and personal experiences.

FFA kids put in lots of time just like athletes and actors and musicians at school. There are numerous projects and skills they work to develop throughout any given year. It is always fascinating for me to attend the State FFA Competitions in Lincoln. It is something I look forward to every spring.

Our state is in need of more certified Ag teachers and FFA sponsors. If you’re looking for a rewarding career, give this some thought. FFA makes a difference in the lives of students. FFA makes schools better. FFA makes communities stronger. THANK YOU to ALL FFA members, sponsors, and supporters!

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