Monday, November 17, 2014

"The Main Thing"

One of my favorite leadership quotes is from legendary basketball coach, Pat Riley. He says "the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing." In other words, you have to identify what your priorities are and avoid all of the clutter that gets in the way.

At YPS, our "main thing" is our students and doing all we can to provide them with opportunities to be successful. From pre-school through graduation, and even beyond in some instances, we want to ensure that our kids get the experiences and exposure they need to be productive, happy, and resilient citizens.

We're currently working on some irrigation tech training and certification issues with SCC and the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture. We've got our Agronomy Academy up and running at Monsanto. We have eight career academies for our juniors and seniors. We have college visits for middle school and high school students. We've extended the school day and school year for our elementary and middle school students.

I love the focus that the YPS staff and school board have on our "main thing." We're going to keep getting better and better and better.


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