Friday, August 4, 2017

Preparing to "Set Sail" for our 2017-18 "Voyage"

There's no "tired" like "August tired" for professional educators. No matter how much we get accomplished in June and July, August always hits us like a vicious Mike Tyson uppercut. We have to manage the chaos, stress, and pressure to ensure that our 2016-17 fiscal year wraps up just as our 2017-18 school year gets going. It's hectic but we wouldn't have it any other way!

The first 10-12 days of August are much like preparing for a long voyage. You have to prepare, double-check, over-plan, ensure proper procedures, communicate, provide tremendous attention to detail, and come up with alternative plans for when adversity strikes.

Now entering my 24th year in education, and 15th as a superintendent, I am more thankful than ever for our STUDENTS.

Working FOR kids is what makes education such a rewarding career. To be completely honest, I couldn't do this job if it was just for adults. Having a small hand in removing obstacles and creating opportunities for our young people is what motivates us to put up with all of the stress that comes with this profession. You navigate the brutal days by remembering "the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing" and that is the needs of your students.

The stakes get higher every year. I can't remember the last time anything got dropped off our "to-do list" but things get added all the time. We're doing more than we've ever done; and we're doing it with less funding. Our students deserve our best each and every day and that's what they're going to get. We won't let them down.

As leaders of the school district, we'll need to bring more energy and excitement to work than we ever have before. We have to have "labrador enthusiasm" that is contagious and makes everyone around us excited about York Public Schools. We have to believe that 2017-18 is going to be our best voyage yet. It's about time to set sail!

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