Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Our 2017-18 school year begins in 28 days on August 16th. I can't wait. Our theme for the year is "BE ONE." It has a double meaning that we will emphasize with students, staff, and community throughout the year.

First off, "BE ONE" is about being TOGETHER....we're ALL just a bunch of YORK DUKES. We're all part of the YPS FAMILY. We are ONE. We need to be there to help each other celebrate successes because we will have many this year. We need to be there to help each other overcome adversity because there will be plenty of that too! Whether you work at YES, YMS, YHS, the district office, pre-school, enrichment center or bus barn, we are ONE...we are York Dukes. We serve "The Y" of York Public Schools. Our duty is to make our school district better. We can't operate in silos and only worry about just our classroom or school. We're a total organization that is trying to become and stay elite in every way. Whether you're a teacher, cook, custodian, para, driver, nurse, mechanic, administrator, administrative assistant, coach, sponsor, or anything else, we're ONE as a team and work family. "BE ONE" is about being together and being part of a bigger picture that is more important than any one individual, team, building, program, or group.

Another meaning of our "BE ONE" theme is for each individual York Duke to strive to "BE ONE" that does exemplary things. BE ONE of those teachers that believes in ALL of your students and helps instill hope in everything they do. BE ONE of those teachers that does whatever needs to be done to help each student in your class learn the content they need. BE ONE of those teachers that leads with such a positive energy that others can't help but notice. BE ONE of those school employees that takes pride in everything you do, whether it is washing lunch trays, answering phones, mowing and pulling weeds, emptying trash, driving a bus, or working with small groups of students. BE ONE of those school administrators that is super-organized and willing and able to have difficult conversations as needed. BE ONE of those coaches and sponsors that helps each kid in your program feel worthy and a sense of accomplishment. BE ONE of those students that is kind to all others and won't tolerate bullying or lackluster effort. BE ONE of those students that takes advantage of the amazing opportunities you have in York. BE ONE of those students that lifts others up instead of trying to tear them down. BE ONE that is a leader and is respectful and a tremendous representative of our town, our school system, and your family.

BE ONE that does whatever has to be done, whenever it has to be done, however it has to be done to make YPS better. BE ONE that makes a positive difference every day!


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