Friday, December 17, 2010

Things YPS is Working On....

York Public Schools is committed to trying to get better each and every day. Currently, we are working on:

* Moving to an 8-period day at YHS (currently have 7 periods)
* Increasing YHS graduation requirements in math and science
* Adding more dual credit course at YHS
* Providing summer remediation and enrichment opportunities for 1st-12th graders
* Pursuing a "21st Century Learning Grant" that would be worth $500,000 over the next five years and would allow us to run a highly effective after-school program
* Pursuing a free lunch program to run over the summer months where ALL 3-18 year olds can get a free lunch regardless of their family's income level

Please check out to monitor our progress. We're excited about our future and very proud of our past.


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