Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Inspired by our Students

At last night's board meeting, we were lucky enough to have Mrs. Jane Brogan and her Mock Trial Team tell us about their undefeated season and 3rd place finish in state. They even modeled some of their closing arguments, witness redirects, and so on. It was fascinating. I sat there in awe as these kids are just simply amazing. They are such wonderful representatives of their families, our school, and our community. Many of these kids are not only leaders within the Mock Trial Program but also integral parts of our State Champion One-Act Program. They're leaders within golf, tennis, and basketball too. Oh yeah, they make outstanding grades and treat others the way they wish to be treated. They're amazing and I'm glad they're York Dukes.

Everywhere I look, I'm inspired by our students. I got to see an 11th grade JV basketball player make his first basket of the season this past Saturday. The sheer joy on his face and the excited body language he had made my whole weekend.

Last week, I was able to judge some senior portfolios for Ms. Holder's class. I was able to see four great presentations that were all different but all well done. Visiting with each of those students about their plans past high school was so fun. They have lots of energy and enthusiasm to carry out into the "real world."

I've gained inspiration from my students in our After-School Fantasy Football Club at York Middle School. Their creativity and wit and acceptance of each other has been so fun to see.

I always gain inspiration from interacting with our special needs students. Whether I spend some time with them at lunch, visit with them about their recycling jobs, or walk through their classrooms, they are always so proud to show what they're doing. If everyone had their enthusiasm and kind hearts, the world would be a much better place!

Students at York Elementary make me smile just because of their energy level and willingness to learn new things, try new things, and be kind to their classmates in all kinds of situations.

I usually get to visit two to three times a month with one of our students who is having major emotional/psychological issues. I pray for him and his family. I try to make him smile as much as I can. He inspires me because of the battles he faces. Many of us have no idea some of the issues many of our young people are dealing with.

Being around outstanding students is truly inspirational. I will always defend our students and young people. They may spend lots of time on their devices. They might listen to cruddy music. They may not do things the way my generation did them. But, today's young people are amazing.

I really do consider it a blessing to go to work each day in this profession of public education. Our students deserve all of the support, admiration, and guidance we can provide for them.


  1. York Public Schools is very fortunate you have you leading the way Mr. Lucas.

  2. YPS, its students, staff, and administration are an impressive collection of individuals who are learning to be unified teams that reach excellence in many areas. The world needs such people SO much! I'm so glad to hear that the Superintendent recognizes not only their abilities, but their intentional, disciplined hard work toward high goals.
