Wednesday, June 8, 2016

June 8, 1990

Today is obviously June 8th and that typically makes me take a stroll back down Memory Lane to 1990. You see, I graduated from high school on June 8, 1990. It kind of seems like yesterday in many ways and then it seems like 150 years ago in other ways.

Little did I know on June 8, 1990 that I would marry a girl from Nebraska! There was no way to tell that we would have four children and that I would end up a school administrator!

Life is funny. The twists and turns and zigs and zags that you take and don't take all add up and play a huge part in where you're at today, who you're with, and what your future looks like.

Agreeing to play football out of state in Atchison, Kansas at Benedictine College was the first major decision that impacted my future. I didn't know then but I would never ever live in my beloved Florida again once I reported for 3-a-days in August 1990.

Meeting Liesl Dean from Omaha, Nebraska in the Benedictine Library was the next twist of fate. You see, she had a work study assignment in the college library and I wasn't exactly the smartest guy on campus. I was scurrying one night to try and type up a paper for a class when I asked her to help me with the computer. After I summoned her over, I confessed to her that I didn't know how to turn the computer on. She thought I was kidding. Sadly, I was not. It took me a lot longer to get to know her better and garner the courage to ask her out but that happened in 1991 and that was all she wrote....I was whipped and still am today.

I began my college career as an accounting major but was never able to fully grasp "debits" and "credits." My accounting professor, who was a huge football fan, told me he saw me as more of an educator than an accountant. He told me to go talk to Olive Burns in the Education Dept and my life took another turn. She talked me into becoming an elementary education major. I loved it. The four years I spent as a 3rd grade teacher and football and basketball coach at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas were amazing. I was lucky to be a part of USD #207.

In late May 1995, I had just finished my first year of teaching and was loving life. I had planned to spend the upcoming summer catching fish and playing softball. My wife had other plans. Unbeknownst to me, she had signed me up for "educational leadership" classes at Benedictine College, where they had just started their brand new Masters' Program. I was livid. I couldn't believe she would do that!

I went to class the first day with a horrible attitude. I couldn't stand school principals. No way in the world did I want to become one! I really disliked most of the principals and assistant principals I had in middle school and high school and wanted no part of that world. This was not going to be fun!

As luck would have it, my professor for the first leadership class I ever took was a pretty dynamic guy by the name of Dr. Steve Joel, who is now superintendent of schools in Lincoln, Nebraska. Steve had been superintendent of schools in Troy, Kansas and had made connections with Benedictine to teach for them. By lunchtime on day #1, I was hooked and wanted nothing more than to become a school leader. Talk about a complete 180 degree turnaround in just four hours! Ironically, I now teach that same class at Benedictine as Steve turned it over to me several years ago.

Now, I've just finished my 18th year of school leadership and have 13-15 more to go. Who would have ever thought? I hope to be in York for another five years or more. Opportunities have been there to leave but we've had no desire to quit being a Duke. This is a special place with tremendous people. Sometimes, doing "nothing" is more important than doing "something."

It all began on June 8, 1990 with a handshake and receiving of my high school diploma. Then, the wheels of motion took over and it's been a great ride so far with hopefully many more chapters to come!

Had I transferred from Benedictine to Troy State in December 1990 like I wanted to, no telling what could have happened. Had I not visited with Olive Burns about becoming an education major, who knows where I would be today. Had Liesl and I never dated, would I have ended up back in Florida? Would I have had a wife that pushed me and supported me as much as she did/has? Had Steve Joel not taught that first class, would I have been so enthusiastic about becoming a school administrator? Had we left York by now, would I love my job as much as I do now?

Zigs and zags, twists and turns, and forks in the road all add up and make us who we are today. Enjoy the journey!

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