Thursday, May 22, 2014

Celebrating the Class of 2014

I'm excited for graduation on May 25th. The Class of 2014 has done some amazing things over the past 13 years and that will definitely be celebrated! More importantly, however, is what they will accomplish over the next 80 years! My "speech" will be very short and will include the following.

* Recognition of the PARENTS of our graduates for sharing their children with us and supporting our school district
* Recognition of the GRANDPARENTS of our graduates for loving and helping to guide our students
* Recognition of our SCHOOL STAFF and BOARD OF EDUCATION for the dedication they have for the young people of our great community
* Recognition of our ALUMNI for making the YHS diploma special; for creating a proud tradition of being a Duke
* Recognition of current and former MILITARY PERSONNEL for defending our freedom so we can chase our dreams

It's a GREAT TIME to be a YORK DUKE and the Class of 2014 has certainly left their mark on our proud tradition!


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