The York Dukes are experiencing an unparalleled amount of success right now. With the One-Act STATE CHAMPIONSHIP this past Friday, our cup continues to "runneth over." Wow! What an exciting time to be a Duke!
I think it is time for us to re-focus and make sure we are "About the Y" instead of worrying about what recognition some individuals and programs do/don't get. "The Y" is for YORK. All of us. Alumni, patrons, grandparents, the list goes on....
We need to be about the Dukes. All of the Dukes. Every program. All the time. We need to understand that EVERY program, no matter how big or small, is extremely important to our school system and community.
The state championship in One-Act Play is for the entire community and school to be proud of and to embrace. When York Softball and Football advanced to the state finals, those were wins/journeys for our entire community; for our entire student body.
What concerns me is we seem to have a few "bean counters" popping up here and there. These folks, instead of enjoying all of the success that we're having, seem fixated on finding something to be upset about. They are worried about "this" program being on the website for two more days than "that" program. They get angry because more people attended "that" game/event instead of "this" game/event. Instead of being thankful the program they love is being successful, they spend their energy worrying that someone else might get just a little something more than they got. Instead of supporting ALL programs, they are trying to pick sides and make this into an "us vs. them" situation and that is dangerous for us all. It is not just about your program, whichever one that may be. We're all on the same TEAM. We all wear "The Y."
Being successful ought to be the primary motivation for hard work and sacrifice – not how many people shake your hand or tweet about you or like a facebook status.
As far as recognition goes, every parent, student, patron, coach, etc. can find "recognition things" to be upset or happy about. "Somebody" is always going to get a little bit more in your eyes. You will see/hear what you look/listen for but is that the point? Do we try to win things so we can get our name in the paper or do we try to win things because winning is a wonderful feeling and it makes all of your hard work and sacrifice worthwhile?
Pat Riley has a wonderful quote that I love, “The main thing is to make sure the main thing stays the main thing.” Our main thing in YPS is to create opportunities for ALL kids and to help put them in position to be successful. We truly have something for everyone!
The York Dukes determine the level of success the York Dukes have in academics, fine arts, extra-curriculuars, and sports. We control our destiny. Not others. We must avoid all the "clutter" that tries to get in the way.
The York Duke train is absolutely rolling right now and it should continue for years to come…..enjoy the ride and be about “The Y.”
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