Monday, August 29, 2011

NeSA Scores

Student achievement scores are in from last spring’s Nebraska State Accountability (NeSA) testing. All 3rd-8th and 11th graders participated in state assessments that dealt with reading and math standards.

York Public Schools is proud to announce that our students did very well once again as we greatly exceeded the state average in both reading and math.

This is the 2nd year for statewide reading scores and the first year for math.

Below are some “bullets” of information we’d like to highlight:

• 78.6% of our 3rd-8th and 11th graders met or exceeded Nebraska Reading Standards. (The state average is 71.9%)

• In 2010, our percentage of students meeting or exceeding the Nebraska Reading Standards was 69.0% so we have shown significant improvement

• With our 78.6% proficiency rate on the state reading test, that ranks us #2 in the ten-member Central Conference

• 67.0% of our 3rd-8th and 11th graders met or exceeded Nebraska Math Standards. (The state average is 62.6%)
o This ranks us #5 in the ten-member Central Conference

• 86% of last year’s 3rd graders (that are now in 4th grade) met or exceeded Nebraska Reading and Math standards

York Public Schools remains committed towards improvement in all areas. We use these numbers to report to our patrons but also to analyze so we can make curriculum and instruction adjustments.

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