Monday, March 21, 2011

Miscellaneous thoughts, reminders, and observations.........

1) It's hard to believe we only have 40 days of school left as of March 21st. It is highly doubtful, but if we would have another snow day this spring we would add it on to the end of the school year and dismiss our students on Friday, May 20th instead of Thursday, May 19th. Beginning in 2011-12, we will only be granted two "free" snow days before we begin to make up lost time.

2) Mark your calendars for Wednesday, April 13th at 4:00 as we will have a "ribbon cutting ceremony" for our new state-of-the-art greenhouse on the east side of the York High School campus. This facility was graciously donated by Mike Terpstra. It includes unbelievable technology, along with fishery and hatchery components.

3) Congratulations to the YHS Boys' Soccer team for winning the York Invite on March 19th. All Spring activities are off to solid starts.

4) Good luck to our State Speech participants this week. We've had a very strong speech season!

5) We hope to see some new faces at our "YHS Facility Committee" meeting on March 29th at 7 PM in the high school library. Our architects will be showing off some potential facility projects and estimated pricing.

6) Have a great finish to the month of March. We've got a lot of work to do!


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