Below is a list of several "keys to success" I've compiled from various sources that I like to share with recent high school graduates that are preparing to attend post-graduate institutions of all sizes and locations.
• Sit in the front four rows of all classes
• Never be late to classes – shoot for five minutes early
• Be respectful of all college professors even though some of them don't always seem to appreciate it
• Sunday afternoons are a great time to work ahead and catch up on assignments
• Time management is critical – stay on top of assignments, projects, etc.....Chaos and stress are caused when time isn’t used efficiently
• Have fun and enjoy meeting new will encounter a lot of big "talkers" but surround yourself with a lot of big "doers" is cheap....surround yourself with results-oriented people
• Be careful – not everyone can be trusted, watch out for people putting things in drinks, etc.
• There are lots of freshmen that can't handle being on their own for the first time...avoid them at all costs....too many freshmen won’t make it because they’re too immature, too wild, too insecure, too sheltered, etc.
• Make sure you get enough sleep and eat healthy
• Be on the lookout for “avoidable situations” as they are everywhere…..stay out of non-winnable situations
• There will be lots of roommate drama in your dorm – avoid it and make sure you and your roommate communicate openly and honestly about your living situation, how it’s going, what is bugging each of you, etc.
• Stay in touch with your family. They love you and support you and are very proud of you. Answer the phone when your parents call. Respond to texts. They might "bug" you from time to time but there will be a time you wish they were around to "bug" you.
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