Nineteen years ago today I was a 3rd grade teacher and football and basketball coach at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. I was married to a beautiful young lady from Omaha and I figured we’d put in two or three years in Kansas before I would convince her that we needed to move to my home state of Florida where I could teach and coach from August through May and then go fishing and frog gigging all summer.
It’s funny how things turn out!
As I arrived at my house in Atchison, Kansas after my last official contract day of my first year as a teacher, I remember the elation and sense of accomplishment that I had. I was already dreaming about how many fish I was going to catch and how many homeruns I was going to hit in summer softball tournaments. That’s when my wife told me that she had signed me up for the educational administration program at Benedictine College where we met as undergrads.
I was none too pleased to say the least. This was a total shocker. The only time we had even discussed the word “principal” was when I told her of some of my troubled times as a student in Ocala, Florida where the principals at my various schools were rather familiar with me, if you know what I mean. To make matters worse, she had already paid for the first course which began just five days after my contract year ended. I was upset. I had no dreams of becoming a school administrator. We argued and I lost (like always) so I went to “The Principalship” course that following Monday morning.
I didn’t sit in the front row. I wasn’t excited. I was as disengaged as you could be when the class began at 9:00 AM but then my life changed. Some guy named Steve Joel was the instructor. By the time we broke for lunch around noon that first day, I wanted to become a school leader in the worst way. I was hooked. It was a done deal. Steve’s passion for educational leadership won me over. He made it seem like the most important career in the universe. His stories and experiences were things I wanted to experience for myself.
I began to read about educational leadership seven days a week. I reached out to Ray Hittle, my principal at Fort Leavenworth, to let him know I was in an administrative program and I’d love to help him with scheduling, supervision, budgeting, whatever I could get my hands on.
As the three year program wore on, Steve Joel and Ray Hittle made sure I had everything I needed. They encouraged me. They challenged me. They kicked me in the butt when I needed it. They shared stories with me. Most importantly, they believed in me and provided me with hope and confidence.
In May of 1998, I became the proud recipient of a Masters’ Degree in Educational Administration. Two months later I was the principal at Bartlett Grade School in Labette County, Kansas where Steve Joel and Ray Hittle continued to mentor me and assist with my transition to educational leadership.
I’ve now started my 16th year in educational leadership. It’s been a wonderful ride full of lots of challenges, great people, and a sense of accomplishment. I can’t help but reflect and be thankful for Steve Joel and Ray Hittle for believing in me and for pushing me into leadership.
Many of you, if not all, have a similar story where someone has believed in you and encouraged you when you needed it. Make it a goal to take one or two folks under your wing and share with them your thoughts, beliefs, fears, and experiences. Believe in others. Help others. I know that if I can have 1/10th the impact on someone else that Steve and Ray have had on me, I will feel blessed.
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