Upcoming Opportunities to learn more about the YHS bond issue:
1) Building tours from 2:00-3:00 PM on October 9, 16, 23, and November 6.
2) Public forums from 7:00-8:00 PM on October 19 and 26.
Please visit www.yorkpublic.org and click on the "YHS Bond Issue" tab on the left side for much more information, pictures, etc.
Below are some comments from two community members:
I attended all four Community Committee meetings which were held earlier this year and provided information from the school administration regarding the many problems that currently exist at the York High School building. A tour was a real eye opener into the many areas of the school that are now sadly deficient. There is serious concern regarding building security and efficiency. These are areas considered dangerous as a result of the analysis of the electrical and wiring system this past fall. There is an inability to keep out moisture and difficulty in maintaining comfortable and efficient climate control settings. There is inability to prepare enough food on site to feed the students. The band and choir facilities are not large enough and specialized enough to meet programming needs. Natural lighting is lacking, carpeting is worn and needs replacement and lockers are sadly outdated. There is an inability to patrol and control who comes in and out of the building because of the current Office/Administration location. Currently the school needs to have early morning and late night athletic practices because of a lack of gym space which a new gym would alleviate. There are numerous other concerns and needs that should be addressed.
As one who graduated from and is thankful for the education received from the York Public Schools, I would strongly urge all citizens of York to visit York High School and become aware of the many problems that need correction. The school is 36 years old and major renovations have never been done.
I feel the time is now and strongly support the proposed bond issue to upgrade and correct the many deficiencies at York High School. -- Harold M. Nordlund, M.D.
When looking at the High School Bond issue from the business side, what would be a better time than now to construct and finance the proposed YHS project? With all-time low interest rates and a good time to find low construction costs, it only makes sense to vote Yes for this Bond. On a personal note, being from the Class of 1975, the first class to graduate from the (at that time) new High School, I would hate to see this building fall into disrepair and end up being like the old Middle School where it was not economically feasible to remodel the existing building. -- Kendell Holthus
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